
Minutes for November 1, 2011 meeting

Wild Warner Meeting November 2011

Attending: Kathie, Dolores, Jack, Trish, Jim, Marlene, Lori, Michael, Boaz, Marie

Sightings: Red Tailed hawk, buck, crow

Trish announced that The Nelson Institute wants to continue working with Wild Warner with the Last Child in the Woods Project.

Wild Warner will be recognized November 11 with the North Star Award.

Geese Report: Kathie felt like we needed an expert on writing  the proposal  for the geese issue at Warner (wants to call in Geese Peace for their expertise). Goose Coalition is meeting with the Mayor. Katie Crowley of the mayor’s office and Alder Anita Weier need to be involved with the geese issue at Warner. Talked about meeting with Jan Herbert (from Rockford) and Katie Crowley.

Rhythem and Booms: City will contract one more year for R&B  with a smaller event venue focusing on the fireworks. R&B will be evaluated after 2012.We need to have an environmental impact on R&B and give data to appropriate departments.

Warner Park Master Plan consultant will be hired for $100,000. Alder Satya Rhodes-Conwaya wants a regionalized overview of Warner’s usage. Need to talk to Anita Weier about the Master Plan as well.  Input from group included that it would be smart to embrace the Master Plan Project and to have ‘all our ducks in a row‘. Need blended focus groups rather than solo groups for the plan. How can we better the park rather than oppose an idea. Need to define the issues. Be for something not against something.

Urban Wetland seminar in February …need to attend. Long term vision includes wetland designation of Warner.