Wild Warner Bylaws

Adopted July 5, 2011

Article I  NAME:

The organization shall be known as the “Wild Warner.”


The primary purpose of the organization is to celebrate, preserve, protect, and expand the natural world in Warner Park and its surrounding ecosystems.  The organization will carry out its purpose through education, research and advocacy, including but not limited to fostering volunteer efforts,  monitoring status of the park, restoring and helping manage natural areas, and generating and sustaining a spirit of park stewardship among area residents through all appropriate means.


Section 1.  All persons who embrace the purposes of the organization are eligible for membership.

Section 2.  Any member having paid his or her annual dues shall be
considered a member in good standing.  The amount of the dues, and
membership categories, will be proposed by the Wild Warner Council and ratified by the association’s membership at the first meeting of each calendar year.

Section 3.  Voting at all meetings shall be limited to members in good
standing.   Members must be present in order to vote.  In addition, voting may be conducted by whatever means the Council may determine.  There shall be no voting by proxy.  Non-members may attend meetings and participate in the discussion.

Section 4.  Any member, in good standing, except for elected public
officials or active political candidates, may, with his or her consent, be
nominated or appointed as an official of the organization.


Section 1.  The officials of the organization shall be selected with regard
to representing the different interests of the members and needs of the association and may change from time to time to reflect such interests and needs.

Section 2.  The business of the organization shall be organized  and facilitated by the following: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Education and Membership Coordinators.  In addition, committees may from time to time be established as needed to develop proposals for action, education, research, or resource management in specific areas of interest to the membership.  These coordinators shall make up the Council, along with any student member or others elected by the membership to serve in a specified capacity.

2.1  The Wild Warner Council shall consist of the above coordinators  and other members who shall be nominated and elected from the general membership at the meetings.

The Council shall function as the board of directors for the
organization and its duties shall include, but not be limited to:
A.  Carrying out the policies established by the general membership.
B.  Establishing the general policy and acting during the intervals
between meetings of the general membership.
C.  Appointing committees to work on matters duly designated for
consideration of the organization.

The Council shall make emergency decisions and expenditures as required between meetings of the membership.

Article V.  MEETINGS

Section 1.  General membership meetings.

1.1  There shall be meetings of the general membership each month, to be held at a place and hour designated by the Council.

1.2  Additional meetings may be called by the Council as necessary.

1.3  Notice of all meetings of the general membership shall be given as early as is feasible prior to the meeting.

Section 2.  Council or Committee Meetings.

2.1  The Council or Committees shall meet as necessary between meetings of the general membership at a place and hour agreed upon by all members of the Council or Committee.


Section 1.  Any member of the organization may attend any
Council or Committee meeting and take part in its discussion.

Section 2.   A vote of at least a simple majority of the eligible members
voting shall be the required majority for action at meetings of the general membership, Council, and Committees, unless otherwise specified in the bylaws.  Officials shall be elected by simple majority vote.

Section 3.   3.  All authorization for expenditures must include the Treasurer and another Council member.

Section 4.  In the event an official of the organization should resign, the
Council shall appoint a replacement.  Four consecutive absences without valid reason from Council or Committee meetings shall be deemed a resignation.

Section 5.  The bylaws of the organization will be ratified by a majority
vote of those present at a general membership meeting.

Section 6.  Proposed amendments to the bylaws of the organization shall be acted on only at the meetings for the general membership.  Proposed
amendments must be given to members at least one (1) week before the
meeting.  A vote of a simple majority of the members voting shall be the required majority.


No individual or committee shall take public action or shall any member represent themselves as speaking in the name of the organization unless so authorized by the Council.


The organization shall not support candidates for public office.