Minutes of the Wild Warner.org meeting, Nov. 30, 2010
Present at meeting: Jim, Jack, Tim, Alex, Dolores, Erin, Trish, Chris, Lori, Sandy, Mike, Timothy, Kathie, Robert.
1) Jack was congratulated on his North Star award.
2) Alex spoke in general about some of the educational projects he and Trish are working on. Also about a map of Warner Park that he is putting together.
3) Jim put forward the idea of having part of Warner Park designated as a conservancy. A map with the proposed area will be posted on the Wild Warner website. There was a general discussion of this idea and broad agreement to move ahead. Jim will speak at Parks Commission meeting Dec. 8.

4) Discussion of the geese issue. Vilas Park will be trying some of the Geese Peace methods. Lori will be presenting information to the Parks Commission at the Dec. 8 meeting.
5) Tim is setting up checking account for Wild Warner. He and Jim will be authorized to sign checks.
6) Timothy to follow up with Parks Commission promise to keep Wild Warner informed about issues pertaining to Warner Park. He will also be contacting “Rhythm and Booms” in February regarding their plans for 2011.
7) Timothy, Alex, Trish and Lori picked up trash in Warner Park Nov. 6. Money that Timothy got for recyclable items was donated to Wild Warner.
8) Next meeting scheduled for Tues. Jan. 18, 2011 at Warner Park Community Recreation Center.
9) Via email after meeting, Alex requested that sighting of red fox on Nov. 6 be added to the minutes.
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