by Marlene Hardick
As we walk through Warner Park, we see things. Now there is an opportunity to share what we see.
In the lobby of Warner Park Community Recreation Center is a new kiosk with a book to share information about sightings in the park. Those who have checked it have found information about fox in the park and tundra swans on the lake.
A pair of our beloved Sanhill Cranes guard the kiosk. The crane painting and the kiosk were created by Marie Jacobson, a member of Wild Warner. Winter can be a wonderful time to hike and bike in the park.
Take a few minutes to stop in to WPCRC for hot coffee, snacks, and to check the book. Then head out in search of nature.
What tracks can you find in the snow and mud? Which birds spend the winter? Many stay here year ’round–bald eagles, red-tailed hawk, chickadee. Watch carefully for a snowy owl-rare in these parts, but in Wisconsn this winter. Great horned owls are mating now and will lay eggs by mid-February. By mid-March, there will be baby owls, cared for by both parents. By then the Sandhill Cranes will be returning, as well as robins and other birds. Spring is just around the corner.
Wild Warner is an organization seeking to protect and enhance the wild parts of Warner Park. Planning for 2012 includes improving the meadows, seeking ways to bring fishing back to the Lagoon, and offering nature walks in the park. New members are sought to share in these and other projects.
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