Wild Warner Committee Meeting October 4, 2011
Attending: Jack, Kathie, Delores, Jim, Tim, Trish, Marie, Brooke
Sightings: wooly bears, toads, hawks
Treasurer: $1556.78 We still need to pay students and need to buy supplies, plus $20.00 allocated for paper and ink
We would like to put a Nature education display board up at Warner to record and register sightings in the park. Need to talk to Brad about this. This would include register and flyers about Wild Warner. Similar to the Central Park model in New York City.
Tim told us that 9 bird houses were ready to be installed.
Twelve people came out for the tree walk / very informative. Complete success.
Parks Department has agreed to stop mowing the dog park meadow and under the bur oak trees.
Mayor’s budget did include R&B for next year. City funding of a $100,000 was budgeted for a new master plan for Warner. The question of, can we get on the master plan committee as a group, came up? Need to have a meeting with Satya and Anita Weier.
Mayor has agreed to have a 45 minute meeting with the Geese Group Coalition. 35 kids attended the Last Child in the Park group.
Mayor Soglin is going to come in the spring and walk with the kids in the group.
Mr. Klinke wants to have a walk through with Wild Warner and toss around volunteer ideas: Taking out invasive, signage, mulching etc. Delores brought up the idea of partnering with Ho Chunk to identify possible Indian mounds in the area. Delores will ask Renee Lee and see what info she can give us about this topic.
Membership drive: Need to compile a brochure and list our accomplishments, Business membership fee? ($50.00) Possibly putting up a booth at the Northside Farmer’ s Market with literature. Need to reach out to neighborhood association. Possibly by putting announcements in their news letter. Need press releases.