Winter is coming 12 degrees tomorrow
Category: Blog
The latest news and commentary from the park.
The eagle has landed.
A pair of bald eagles is building a nest on the marsh island.
Snapping turtle just hatched. Photo by Patrick Hasburgh.
Wild Warner Urban Tree Alliance
In the spring of 2015, Urban Tree Alliance and Wild Warner got together and planted 29 trees in Warner Park. We did it mainly in response to emerald ash borer …
Warner’s sandhill cranes show off two chicks
Greg Weller, one of Wild Warner’s resident photographers, got these terrific closeups of the resident Sandhill Crane family. He writes: “They are very cute. Have never seen a sand hill …
Kids Fishing Day June 6 – a great event
Wild Warner’s vision for Warner Park 4/29/15
The Madison Parks Department is gathering “visions” for the future of Warner Park. Here is Wild Warner’s vision: 1. Nature recreation – Emphasizing the value of nature education and recreation, and …
Wild Warner, volunteers, plant 30 trees to replace cut ash trees
Members of Wild Warner, Boy Scouts, students from Madison College and workers from the Urban Tree Alliance planted 30 trees in Warner Park and Warner Beach in April 18 to …
Wild Warner Minutes 3-03-2015
Attendees: Kathlean Wolf Karen Hickel Blair Panhorst Paul Noeldner Jonathan Santana Dolores Kester Tim Nelson Mike Rewey Jack Hurst Trish Okane Marlene Hardick Jim Carrier Urban Tree Alliance: Patricia Chakravorty—canceled, …
Bird and Nature Walk – Sunday 2/15 1:30-3 p.m. at Warner Park Shelter.
Free, family-friendly, nature, recreation, and education! To celebrate Madison being formally recognized as a Bird City, Madison Parks, in collaboration with other organizations, will offer free monthly bird and nature …
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