Tundra Swans stopped along Warner Beach on their way south over the Thanksgiving weekend. The white swans are adults, the “dusky” colored birds are juveniles. The swans breed in high …
Author: Jim
Standing on hallowed ground
Last night, Aug. 5, 2014, Wild Warner met on the newly restored Warner Island Prairie to paint a Plein Aire environmental vision for the Wild Side of Warner Park. The …
A Lotus blooms in Warner’s wetland
Conservation photographer Arlene Koziol captured the fleeting bloom of the American Lotus in Warner’s wetland on July 22, 2014. In a nature walk with Wild Warner’s education coordinator, Paul …
New member meets baby bluebirds
by Jonathan Santanna, Madison College student and aspiring zoologist It started like every other Thursday morning, however there were four baby blue birds waiting for me this time. The last …
Warner’s new Sandhill Crane colt discovers the restored prairie island
The 2014 Warner Park Sandhill Crane colt is finally fledged from the nest and starting to get out and about, and learning to forage with its parents on the restored …
Warner’s bluebird trail is a success
Warner’s Bluebird Trail, maintained by Paul Noeldner, Tim Nelson, Jonathan Santanna and Trish O’Kane, yielded successful hatches this year. The boxes also attract Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, House Wrens and Black-capped …
Brentwood – Wild Warner – Parks team up to clean up
It was a beautiful day to pick up trash in Warner Park Saturday. Twenty volunteers, many from the Brentwood Neighborhood Association, adjacent to the park, fanned out with plastic bags …
The Bluebirds are back
By Paul Noeldner The Sherman Nature Explorers helped their UW Student Mentors check on the Wild Warner Bluebird Trail boxes on Wednesday March 26. Their sharp eyes spotted beautiful Bluebird …
Winter Bird and Nature Walk at Warner Park
By Paul Noelner About 16 people joined in the February Bird and Nature Walk at Warner Park held every 3rd Sunday 1:30-3 pm. Walks are also held at Cherokee Marsh …
A Valentine for our volunteer-in-chief
The wild side of Warner Park was shaken from its winter slumber this week, as the Nature Explorer Club returned for its winter/spring session. On Wednesday, Feb. 12, thirty-seven kids …
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